- Dig commands cheat sheet
- Generating SSH keys and adding them to GitHub
- How to Install Nginx, PHP, LetsEncrypt SSL on Ubuntu server
- MySQL Yleisimmät komennot in Finnish
- PowerDNS export from MySQL to csv using command line
- PowerDNS pdnsutil cheat sheet
- Whois commands cheat sheet
Online resources managed by Domainparkki.com
- Public DNS Servers Baserow based table
- Premium domains for sale Baserow based table
Online tools / Lookup
- DNS Checker https://check.njal.la/dns
- DNS Checker https://intodns.com/
- DNS Checker https://www.nslookup.io
- DNS Propagation Check https://dnschecker.org
- DNS Propagation Check https://dnsmap.io
- WHOIS https://whois.loopia.se
- WHOIS https://whoisfreaks.com/tools/whois/lookup
- WHOIS https://www.traficom.fi/fi/viestinta/fi-verkkotunnukset/whois-palvelu-nayttaa-verkkotunnuksen-julkiset-tiedot
- Server Info, Find Virtual Host & Reputation https://hackertarget.com/server-info
Online tools / IP Addressing / MAC
- IPv4 subnet calculator https://gcore.com/dev-tools/calc-net-ipv4
- IPv6 subnet calculator https://gcore.com/dev-tools/calc-net-ipv6
- MAC Address https://macaddress.inbrowser.app
Online tools / SSL
- CSR Generator https://www.ssldragon.com/ssl-tools/csr-generator
- SSL Certificate Checker https://www.sslchecker.com/sslchecker
Online tools / Email
- DMARC Generator https://www.cloudns.net/dmarc-generator